= Watson, 1975, Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Ent.) Suppl. 25: 85; Hampson, 1901, Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 3: 24 1223. Prumala saturata. Automolis saturata, Wk. vii. 1635 (1856); Kirby, Cat. Het. p. 170. Eucyrta pretexta, Feld. Reis. Nov. pl. 102. f. 5 (1874); Kirby, Cat. Het. p. 167. Male. Palpi orange, blackish behind; frons blue; vertex of head orange with a blue spot ; antenne brown, the upperside of shaft orange towards base ; thorax brown, with a broad orange stripe on tegula and upper edge of patagia; legs orange with slight black streaks, the fore coxse blue and black at sides ; abdomen black with broad orarge band on 2nd and 3rd segments, the terminal segments with metallic-blue dorsal and lateral spots, the ventral surface with orange hands. Fore wing with the veins streaked with orange ; an oblique rather irregular band from vein 6 beyond the cell to above inner margin near base; an oblique subapical fascia, the termen and cilia thickened by large greyish-brown scales narrowing to apex. Hind wing orange, the tornal area brown, its upper edge curved from inner margin near base to termen at vein 4 ; the under- side with a blackish postmedial spot on costa and the tornal patch reduced by orange on termen and inner area. Hab. Amazons, Pard, type in Mus. Oxon., type tT ยข pretext in Coll. Rothschild. Hap. 40 millim. Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 3: 57 1285. Automolis sypilus. Sphinu sypilus, Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. pl. 99. A (1777); Kirby, Cat. Het. p. 167. Fenmale. Black-brown; vertex of head with metallic blue spot 3 tegule orange edged with brown ; patagia orange ; abdomen with orange bands on first three segments, the terminal segment with dorsal and lateral series of metallic blue spots. Fore wing with oblique slightly curved orange fascia from below the cell near base to above vein 5 just beyond the cell; an elongate subapical spot above vein 6 not reaching termen. Hind wing with orange fascia on costal area extending to inner margin at base and narrowing to apex. Hab. Sorinam. Evp. 46 millim. This species is unknown to me ; it may possibly be the female of A. packardi, or, as it seems to have heen figured by Cramer from a drawing, be a reproduction from a bad figure of a rubbed specimen.